Homeopathic Materia Medica Library




                                                          Department  Book  List

Sr. No. Acc. No.  

Author  Name


Book  Name
01 3083 Boger C.M. Boenninghausen’s  Characteristics  Materia

Medica  & Repertory  with word  index


02 3084 Boericke  William Boericke’s New Mannual  of  Homoeopathic  M.M. Repertory


03 3085 Kent  J.T. Repertory  of  the  Homoeopathic  Materia Medica


04 3086 Boericke / Dewey The  Twelve  Tissue  Remedies



05 3087 Allen  H.C. Keynotes  and  characteristic  with  comparisons  &  Bowel


06 3100 Boericke  William Pocket Manual of  homoeopathic Materia Medica


07 3108 Farrington  E.A. Clinical Materia Medica



08 3119 Farrington  E.A. Comparative Materia Medica



09 3106 Guernsey  Henry Key notes to the Materia Medica



10 3118 Kent  J.T.  Lectures on  Homoeopathic Materia Medica






                                                      Department  Book  List


Sr. No. Acc. No. Author Name Book name
11 2272 P Ishwardas/Ajit K Kulkarni A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica Part-I
12 2282 P Ishwardas/Ajit K Kulkarni A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica Part-II
13 1957 Dr M L Tyler A Homoeopathic Drug Pictures
14 494 C M Boger Synoptic Key Of The Materia Medica
15 194 Dr S K Dubey Textbook Of Materia Medica
16 3025 Dr Narendra Mehta Miracles Of Belladonna
17 2879 Dr Niranjan Mohanty Evolution/Unfolding Of Homoeopathic Repertories
18 2792 Dr Pravin B Jain Easy and Simple Remedy Keynotes
19 2752 Dr Niranjan Mohanty Lesser Writings Part-II
20 2888 Dr Chetana N Shukla Food Simmilia- The individualized Diet




           Department  Book  List


Sr. no Acc. No. Author Name Book name
21 1956 M L Tyler Pointers To The Common Remedies
22 125 Dr Mrs Asha & Harisingh The Kent’s Complete Materia Medica Vol-I
23 2965 Dr. L K Nanda Fundamentals Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
24 242 H C Allen Keynotes and Charactristics with Comparisions & Bowel Nosodes
25 1733 John Peterson The Bowel Nosodes
26 1120 D N Gibson Elements Of Homoeopathy
27 2992 Dr O Setiya Portrait Of Homoeopathic Remedies
28 2249 Dr Mrs Namita Mohanty Bowel Nosodes in the Pages Of Kent’s Repertory
29 2601 Dr Sundari Ganesh Homoeopathy For The Home Maker
30 1578 F H Lutz Duration Of Action And Antidotes







           Department  Book  List


Sr. No. Acc. No. Author Name Book name
31 2829 L K Nanda The Boon Of Neglected Acids In Homoeopathy
32 2648 Dr Ajit Kulakarni Kali Family With Special Reference To Relationship Of Remedies
33 1269 W J Hawkes Characteristic Indications Of Prominent Remedies
34 459 Boeninghausen/R Gibson Miller The Sides Of Body Drug Affinity & Relationship Of Remedies With Duration Of Action
35 876 Dr Munja Thakar Blata Orientalis Prooving
36 1405 Elizabeth/Patterson A Survey Of The Nosodes
37 1151 WM J Guernsey Desires & Aversaions
38 2637 Dr Ronak J Shaha Veratrum – An egoistic Lily
39 1801 Rajagopalrao Peddibhotla A short Study Of Comparative Materia Medica
40 1514 Dr Debashish Kundu Materia medica & Drug Pathogecy In Electropathy





          Department  Book  List


Sr. No Acc. No. Author Name Book name
41 1971 M L Tyler Different ways Of Finding remedies
42 1999 M L Tyler The Romance Of Homoeopathy
43 2704 Dr Sudeshana Kundu Enemicals & Antidotes In Homoeopathy
44 2728 Dr Siju P V Evaluation Of Remedies Thermal State
45 443 Dr Margery Blackie A Comparision Of Arsenic, Nitric Acid, Hepar Sulph & Nux Vomica
46 2075 Dr Samuel Hahnemann Treatise On The Effects Of Coffee
47 253 H C Allen The Materia medica Of Some Important Nosodes
48 1594 Dr C R K menon Some Constitutional remedies
49 1847 Rajan Sankaran A Portrait Of Natrum Mur
50 3120 Sehgal Brothers Perfect Materia Medica Of Mind





                                                 Department  Book  List


Sr. No. Acc. No.  

Author  Name


Book  Name
51 3343 C. M. Boger A Synoptic key of the Materia Medica
52 3349 Samuel Hahnemann The chronic Diseases
53 3350 Samuel Hahnemann The chronic Diseases
54 3302 John Henry Clarke A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (vol-1)
55 3303 John Henry Clarke A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (vol-2)
56 3304 John Henry Clarke A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (vol-3)
57 3326 Dr. M. L. Dhawale Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy
58 3348 Dr. Narendra Mehta Understanding of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica
59 3344 Dr. L. K. Nanda The Fundamentals of Homoeopathic Materia Medica (volume-1)
60 3383 H. Barthel Synthetic Repertory (Vol- 2)




       Department  Book  List


Sr. No. Acc. No.  

Author  Name


Book  Name
61 3384 W. Klunker Synthetic Repertory (Vol – 3)
62 3382 H. Barthel Synthetic Repertory (Vol – 1)
63 3323 Dr. S. R. Phatak Materia Medica of Homoeopathic medicines
64 3361 Dr. S. R. Phatak Materia Medica of Homoeopathic medicines
65 3358 H. A. Roberts


Annie Wilson

Boenninhausen’s Therapeutic pocket book
66 3337 Kamal Kansal The Handbook of Homoeopathic Mother tinctures
67 3364 Samuel Hahnemann Materia Medica pura (vol -1)
68 3365 Samuel Hahnemann Materia Medica pura (vol -2)
69 3353 Dr. L. K. Nanda The Boon of Neglected Acids in Homoeopathy
70 3376 Dr. Vinod G. Bhalerao


Mentally retarded children, Behaviour problem, its modification with Homeopathic Medicine





             Department  Book  List


Sr. No. Acc. No.  

Author  Name


Book  Name
71 3285 Dr. R. P. Patel What is Tautopathy
72 3288 Herbert A. Roberts The Principles and art of cure by Homoeopathy
73 3374 Dr. Y. R. Agrawal Warts Naevi & Corns
74 3336 Douglas


Children’s Types
75 3333 Douglas M. Borland Influenzas
76 3290 Burnett Organ Diseases of Women
77 3368 H. C. Allen The Materia Medica of some Important Nosodes
78 3335 J. Compton


Diseases of the Liver & skin
79 3369 John Henry clarke Constitutional Medicine
80 3341 C. M. Boger The Study of Materia Medica & Taking the Case






     Department  Book  List


Sr. No. Acc. No.  

Author  Name


Book  Name
81 3160 Hahnemann & other Masters of Homoeopathy Notes on Cholera
82 3345 Douglas M. Borland Some Emergencies of General Practice
83 3366 Dr. Sumit Paliwal/ Dr. Soumendu Adhikary Picture sque view of the leading remedies of Materia Medica with Miasmatic Glimpses
84 P. Bender The Examination of the Patient
85 P. Bender The Examination of the Patient




3392 Vikas D. Joshi Pragati Medical Dictionary
87 1658 E. B. Nash Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics
88 D19 Rajan Sankran Survival; the Reptile (vol- 1)
89 D20 Rajan Sankran Survival; the Reptile (vol- 2)